
Artykuły (WFAIS) Przeglądanie wg tytułu

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Artykuły (WFAIS) Przeglądanie wg tytułu

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  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Aniello, P.; Marmo, Giuseppe; Ventriglia, F. (2010-04-08)
    We analyze a class of dynamics of open quantum systems which is governed by the dynamical map mutually commuting at different times. Such evolution may be effectively described via spectral analysis of the corresponding ...
  • Sarbicki, Gniewomir; Chruściński, Dariusz (2012-11-05)
    Exposed positive maps in matrix algebras define a dense subset of extremal maps. We provide a class of indecomposable positive maps in the algebra of 2n x 2n complex matrices with n>1. It is shown that these maps are exposed ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2007-11-28)
    We construct a new class of positive indecomposable maps in the algebra of `d x d' complex matrices. These maps are characterized by the `weakest' positivity property and for this reason they are called atomic. This class ...
  • Drozdowski, Winicjusz; Wojtowicz, Andrzej J.; Brylew, Kamil; Łachmański, W.; Talik, E.; Szubka, M.; Kusz, J.; Guzik, A.; Balin, K.; Kisielewski, Jarosław; Świrkowicz, Marek; Pajączkowska, A. (IOP Science, 2017-02)
    Interior of Czochralski-grown (Lu,Y)AG:Pr crystals has been examined by means of several techniques, such as X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, and magnetic ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Rutkowski, Adam (2011-01-30)
    We provide a multi-parameter family of 2-qudit PPT entangled states which generalizes the celebrated Horodecki state in 3 x 3. The entanglement of this family is identified via semidefinite programming based on "PPT symmetric ...
  • Peper, Marius; Roukema, Boudewijn; Bolejko, Krzysztof (Cambridge University Press, 2019-09-07)
    Cosmological simulations are a powerful tool to test various cosmological and galaxy formation scenarios. The discovery of low surface brightness objects has been a challenge for both of these fields. Our work aims to ...
  • Volvach, L. N.; Volvach, A. E.; Larinov, M. G.; MacLeod, G. C.; van den Heever, S. P.; Wolak, P; Olech, Mateusz; Ipanov, A. V.; Ivanov, D. V.; Mikhailov, A.G.; Melnikov, A.E.; Menten, K.; Belloche, A.; Weiss, A.; Mazumdar, P.; Schuller, F. (Astronomy Reports, 2019-01-01)
    The results of long-term monitoring of the Galactic maser source IRAS 18316-0602 (G25.65+1.05) in the water-vapor line at frequency f = 22.235 GHz (6_16-5_23 transitioin) carried out on the 22-m Simeiz, 26-m HartRAO, and ...
  • Durjasz, Michał Tomasz; Szymczak, Marian; Olech, Mateusz (Royal Astronomical Society, 2019)
    G111.256-0.770 is a high-mass young stellar object associated with a weak 6.7 GHz methanol maser showing strong variability. We present results of a multi-epoch monitoring program of the target, conducted with the Torun ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2006-04-03)
    We construct a new class of PPT states for bipartite "d x d" systems. This class is invariant under the maximal commutative subgroup of U(d) and contains as special cases almost all known examples of PPT states. Theses ...
  • Szymczak, Marian; Wolak, Paweł; Bartkiewicz, Anna; Aramowicz, Mirosława; Durjasz, Michał (EDP Sciences, 2020)
    Context. The excited states of OH masers detected in the environment of high-mass young stellar objects (HMYSOs) are important for improving our understanding of the physical conditions of these objects and also provide ...
  • Volvach, L. N.; Volvach, A. E.; Larinov, M. G.; MacLeod, G. C.; Wolak, Paweł; Olech, Mateusz; Kramer, B.; Menten, K.; Kraus, A.; Brand, J.; Zanicelli, A.; Poppi, S.; Rigini, S. (Astronomy Letters, 2019-06-25)
    —Powerful flares in Galactic kilomasers are closely associated with regions of intense star formation. They contribute to the elucidation of physical processes occurring in these structures. We have recorded a superpowerful ...
  • Kaczmarek, S.M.; Leniec, G.; Bodziony, T.; Fuks, H.; Kowalski, Z.; Drozdowski, W.; Berkowski, M.; Głowacki, M.; Witkowski, M.E.; Makowski, M. (2019)
    Single crystals of BaWO4, BaWO4:0.5at.%Ce; BaWO4:1at.%Ce; BaWO4:0.5at.%Ce,1at.%Na; and BaWO4:1at.%Ce,2at.%Na were grown from an inductively heated iridium crucible by the Czochralski method on a Malvern MSR4 puller. They ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2010-11-02)
    We provide a simple class of 2-qudit states for which one is able to formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for separability. As a byproduct we generalize well known construction provided by Horodecki et al. for ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Pilichowski, Maciej (2013)
    Human-level intelligence implies creativity, not only on the grand scale, but primarily in the everyday activity, such as understanding intentions, behavior, and invention of new words. Psychological models of creativity ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2013)
    Phenomics is concerned with detailed description of all aspects of organisms, from their physical foundations at genetic, molecular and cellular level, to behavioural and psychological traits. Neuropsychiatric phenomics ...
  • Otmianowska-Mazur, Katarzyna; Soida, Marian; Kulesza-Żydzik, Barbara; Hanasz, Michał; Kowal, Grzegorz (2008-12-11)
    In the present paper we construct maps of polarized synchrotron radio emission of a whole galaxy, based on local models of the cosmic ray (CR) driven dynamo. We perform numerical simulations of the dynamo in local Cartesian ...
  • Strzałkowski, Karol (Elsevier, 2014)
    In this work a complete thermal characterization of Cd1-x-yZnxMgxSe mixed crystals was carried out. Bulk semiconductors under investigation were grown from the melt by a high pressure modified Bridgman method for different ...
  • Drozdowski, Winicjusz; Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Wojtowicz, Andrzej J.; Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1999)
    Thermoluminescence of CaF2:Ce, BaF2, and BaF2:Ce irradiated at room temperature is reported. X-ray induced emission spectra of the samples show that both excitonic (due to e- + VK recombination) and Ce3+ d-f luminescence ...
  • Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan; Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Wybourne, Brian; Kachnic, Marek; Krawiec, Arkadiusz (Elsevier Science Ltd, 1996)
    The initial interest in the total inventory of the radionuclide fission products ejected from Chernobyl has been replaced with concern about the deposition and accumulation in the environment of those isotopes with longer ...
  • Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Chruścińska, Alicja; Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan; Molewski, Paweł (Versita, 2008)
    The subject of the investigations presented here is fixing dilemmatic character (transgressive or recessive) of the Poznań phase of the Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation and answering the question about the possibility ...