
Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Issue Date

Repository of Nicolaus Copernicus University

Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Issue Date

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  • Balter, Aleksander (Marcel Dekker, 1991-01-01)
    The loss of transparency of the ocular lens is caused by the increase of light scattering as a result of structural changes and by the increased absorption of the visible light due to the accumulation of pigments. Following ...
  • Chruścińska, Alicja; Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan; Przegiętka, Krzysztof (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1996)
    The trap energy density spectra of natural quartz were investigated by the fractional glow technique. The thermal treatment before excitation induces the changes of thermoluminescence sensitivity as well as the changes of ...
  • Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan; Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Wybourne, Brian; Kachnic, Marek; Krawiec, Arkadiusz (Elsevier Science Ltd, 1996)
    The initial interest in the total inventory of the radionuclide fission products ejected from Chernobyl has been replaced with concern about the deposition and accumulation in the environment of those isotopes with longer ...
  • Hanasz, Michał; Sol, Helene (1996-04-25)
    We investigate the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of stratified jets. The internal component (core) is made of a relativistic gas moving with a relativistic bulk speed. The second component (sheath or envelope) flows between ...
  • Wiśniewski, Dariusz; Drozdowski, Winicjusz; Wojtowicz, Andrzej J.; Łempicki, Aleksander; Dorenbos, Pieter; de Haas, Johan T.M.; van Eijk, Carel W.E.; Bos, Adrie J.J. (Instytut Fizyki PAN, 1996-08)
    The present status of the LuAlO3:Ce scintillator is reviewed. Scintillation mechanism of this material is based on capture by Ce3+ of holes and then electrons from their respective bands. Results of spectroscopic and ...
  • Hanasz, Michał; Sol, Helene (1997-11-20)
    The recent development of tomographic analysis of radio data shows the presence of sheaths around several extragalactic jets. We have studied the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of such stratified jets, describing them as ...
  • Hanasz, Michał; Lesch, Harald (1997-11-23)
    In this paper we investigate the idea of Hanasz & Lesch 1993 that the galactic dynamo effect is due to the Parker instability of magnetic flux tubes. In addition to the former approach, we take into account more general ...
  • Hanasz, Michał (1997-11-23)
    In this paper we continue investigations of the Parker-shearing instability performing numerical simulations of the magnetic flux tube dynamics in the thin flux-tube approximation. We show that evolution of flux tubes ...
  • Hanasz, Michał (1997-11-23)
    The observed wiggles and knots in astrophysical jets as well as the curvilinear motion of radio emitting features are frequently interpreted as signatures of the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability (eg. Hardee 1987). We ...
  • Hanasz, Michał; Lesch, Harald (1997-12-16)
    We present a new fast dynamo model for galactic magnetic fields, which is based on the Parker-shearing instability and magnetic reconnection, in the spirit of the model proposed by Parker (1992). We introduce a new scenario ...
  • Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan; Przegiętka, Krzysztof (Elsevier Science Ltd, 1998)
    We report the results of thermoluminescence (TL) dating applied to sand samples from the dune in Kepa Kujawska, Poland. The emphasis is on the estimation of the residual TL. The tests for bleaching of natural TL with the ...
  • Drozdowski, Winicjusz; Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Wojtowicz, Andrzej J.; Oczkowski, Hubert Lucjan (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1999)
    Thermoluminescence of CaF2:Ce, BaF2, and BaF2:Ce irradiated at room temperature is reported. X-ray induced emission spectra of the samples show that both excitonic (due to e- + VK recombination) and Ce3+ d-f luminescence ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2000)
    Similarity-based methods (SBM) are a generalization of the minimal distance (MD) methods which form a basis of several machine learning and pattern recognition methods. Investigation of similarity leads to a fruitful ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2002-09-04)
    Both classical and quantum damped systems give rise to complex spectra and corresponding resonant states. We investigate how resonant states, which do not belong to the Hilbert space, fit the phase space formulation of ...
  • Perucho, Manuel; Hanasz, Michał; Marti, Jose-Maria; Sol, Helene (2002-12-05)
    A set of simulations concerning the influence of internal energy on the stability of relativistic jets is presented. Results show that perturbations saturate when the amplitude of the velocity perturbation approaches the ...
  • Piwiński, Mariusz (Ośrodek Edukacji Informatycznej i Zastosowań Komputerów, 2003)
    Wszechobecność komputerów w naszym życiu spowodowała, iż często nie wyobrażamy sobie dnia bez włączenia komputera i sprawdzenia poczty elektronicznej, czy wyszukania informacji w dostępnych serwisach internetowych. Podłączenie ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2003-01-17)
    We show that the quantization of a simple damped system leads to a self-adjoint Hamiltonian with a family of complex generalized eigenvalues. It turns out that they correspond to the poles of energy eigenvectors when ...
  • Lesch, Harald; Hanasz, Michał (2003-02-08)
    We present a scenario for efficient magnetization of very young galaxies about 0.5 Gigayears after the Big-Bang by a cosmic ray-driven dynamo. These objects experience a phase of strong star formation during this first ...
  • Hanasz, Michał; Lesch, Harald (2003-03-27)
    We investigate favourable circumstances for fast magnetic reconnection in astrophysical plasmas based on recent results by Rogers et al. (2001). Given that a critical magnetic field structure with antiparallel field lines ...
  • Kowal, Grzegorz; Hanasz, Michał; Otmianowska-Mazur, Katarzyna (2003-04-11)
    Parker instability leads to the formation of tangential discontinuities in a magnetic field and subsequent magnetic reconnection due to a numerical and/or an explicit resistivity. In this paper we investigate the role of ...

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