
Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Author "Marmo, Giuseppe"

Repository of Nicolaus Copernicus University

Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Author "Marmo, Giuseppe"

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  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Aniello, P.; Marmo, Giuseppe; Ventriglia, F. (2010-04-08)
    We analyze a class of dynamics of open quantum systems which is governed by the dynamical map mutually commuting at different times. Such evolution may be effectively described via spectral analysis of the corresponding ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Marmo, Giuseppe (2008-10-09)
    It is shown how to introduce a geometric description of the algebraic approach to the non-relativistic quantum mechanics. It turns out that the GNS representation provides not only symplectic but also Hermitian realization ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Facchi, Paolo; Marmo, Giuseppe; Pascazio, Saverio (2011-02-08)
    A time-dependent product is introduced between the observables of a dissipative quantum system, that accounts for the effects of dissipation on observables and commutators. In the $t \to \infty$ limit this yields a contracted ...

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