
Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Author "Duch, Włodzisław"

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Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Author "Duch, Włodzisław"

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  • Duch, Włodzisław; Szymański, Julian (Springer, 2012)
    An approach to the word sense disambiguation (WSD) relaying on the WordNet synsets is proposed. The method uses semantically tagged glosses to perform a process similar to the spreading activation in semantic network, creating ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2010)
    Architektury kognitywne (AK) są próbą stworzenia modeli komputerowych integrujących wiedzę o działaniu umysłu. Ich zadaniem jest implementacja konkretnych schematów działania funkcji poznawczych umożliwiająca testowanie ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (2014-02-19)
    Analysis of dynamics of biologically motivated neural networks allows for studying non-linear processes responsible for cognitive functions and thus provides adequate language to understand complex mental processes, including ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (2014-02-19)
    The autor tries to answer the questions: How can we understand neurodegenerative disease, such as autism, ADHD or epilepsy? Who is in the best position to do it? Observations: what do we know? Theories: do we understand ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Pilichowski, Maciej (2013)
    Human-level intelligence implies creativity, not only on the grand scale, but primarily in the everyday activity, such as understanding intentions, behavior, and invention of new words. Psychological models of creativity ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2013)
    Phenomics is concerned with detailed description of all aspects of organisms, from their physical foundations at genetic, molecular and cellular level, to behavioural and psychological traits. Neuropsychiatric phenomics ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Springer, 2011)
    Understanding brain processes behind creativity and modeling them using computational means is one of the grand challenges for systems biology. Computational creativity is a new field, inspired by cognitive psychology and ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Szymański, Julian (2012)
    A Context Search algorithm used for lexical knowledge acquisition is presented. Knowledge representation based on psycholinguistic theories of cognitive processes allows for implementation of a computational model of ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Szymański, Julian (Elsevier, 2011-02-13)
    Psycholinguistic theories of semantic memory form the basis of understanding of natural language concepts. These theories are used here as an inspiration for implementing a computational model of semantic memory in the ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Maszczyk, Tomasz (Springer, 2012)
    Support Vector Machines (SVM’s) with various kernels have become very successful in pattern classification and regression. However, single kernels do not lead to optimal data models. Replacing the input space by a ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Jankowski, Norbert; Maszczyk, Tomasz (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Computational Intelligence Society, 2012-06)
    Learning methods with linear computational complexity O(nd) in number of samples and their dimension often give results that are better or at least not worse that more sophisticated and slower algorithms. This is ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Springer, 2011)
    Meta-learning methods are aimed at automatic discovery of interesting models of data. They belong to a branch of Machine Learning that tries to replace human experts involved in the Data Mining process of creating various ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2013)
    Fenomika zajmuje się szczegółowym opisem wszystkich aspektów mierzalnych cech organizmu, od fizycznych cech na poziomie genetycznym, molekularnym komórkowym, do cech opisujących zdolności poznawcze. Fenomika europsychia ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Maszczyk, Tomasz (Springer, 2012)
    Recursive Similarity-Based Learning algorithm (RSBL) follows the deep learning idea, exploiting similarity-based methodology to recursively generate new features. Each transformation layer is generated separately, using ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Instytutu Psychologii UAM, Instytutu Filozofii UJ, 2010)
    Neuronauki dokonały znacznego postępu w rozumieniu wyższych czynności poznawczych, w tym procesów decyzyjnych. Brakuje jednak zarówno prostych modeli, które pozwolą wyobrazić sobie te procesy, jak i głębszej refleksji nad ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Springer, 2013)
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Szymański, Julian (Springer, 2012)
    Visualization of Wikipedia categories using Self Organizing Maps shows an overview of categories and their relations, helping to narrow down search domains. Selecting particular neurons this approach enables retrieval ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2000)
    Similarity-based methods (SBM) are a generalization of the minimal distance (MD) methods which form a basis of several machine learning and pattern recognition methods. Investigation of similarity leads to a fruitful ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Dobosz, Krzysztof; Mikołajewski, Dariusz; Wójcik, Grzegorz M. (AGH University of Science and Technology, 2013)
    Diversity of symptoms in autism dictates a broad definition of Autism Spectrum of Disorders(ASD). Each year percentage of children diagnosed with ASD is growing. One common diag-nostic feature in individuals with ASD is ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław; Dobosz, Krzysztof (Springer, 2011-03-26)
    Complex neurodynamical systems are quite difficult to analyze and understand. New type of plots are introduced to help in visualization of high-dimensional trajectories and show global picture of the phase space, including ...

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