
Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Title

Repository of Nicolaus Copernicus University

Browsing Artykuły (WFAIS) by Title

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  • Paprocki, Marcin; Erwiński, Krystian; Grzesiak, Lech (2019)
    W artykule przedstawiono moduł komunikacyjny magistrali EtherCAT przeznaczony dla napędów elektrycznych. Omówiono standard komunikacji EtherCAT wraz z opisem działania urządzenia podrzędnego wykorzysującego profil komunikacyjny ...
  • Szymczak, Marian; Olech, Mateusz; Sarniak, Rafał; Wolak, Paweł; Bartkiewicz, Anna (Oxford University Press, 2018-02)
    We report results of 6.7 GHz methanol maser monitoring of 139 star-forming sites with theTorun 32 m radio telescope from June 2009 to February 2013. The targets were observedat least once a month, with higher ...
  • Duch, Włodzisław (Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2013)
    Fenomika zajmuje się szczegółowym opisem wszystkich aspektów mierzalnych cech organizmu, od fizycznych cech na poziomie genetycznym, molekularnym komórkowym, do cech opisujących zdolności poznawcze. Fenomika europsychia ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2007-10-10)
    We construct a large class of multipartite qudit states which are positive under the family of partial transpositions. The construction is based on certain direct sum decomposition of the total Hilbert space displaying ...
  • Erwiński, Krystian; Kowalski, Karol; Paprocki, Marcin (2019)
    In the article a method of predicting contour error using artificial neural network for a bi-axial positioning system is presented. The machine consists of two linear stages with permanent magnet linear motors controlled ...
  • Erwiński, Krystian; Paprocki, Marcin; Wawrzak, Andrzej; Grzesiak, Lech M. (2016-11-12)
    This article presents a method for predicting contour error using artificial neural networks. Contour error is defined as the minimum distance between actual position and reference toolpath and is commonly used to measure ...
  • Szczygielski, Krzysztof; Studziński, Michał (2024-08-28)
    In this paper, we present new families of quantum channels for which corresponding minimum output Rényi p-entropy is not additive. Our manuscript is motivated by the results of Grudka et al., J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 ...
  • Rajabi, F.; Houde, M.; Bartkiewicz, Anna; Olech, Mateusz; Szymczak, Marian; Wolak, Paweł (Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-01)
    We present new evidence for superradiance (SR) in the methanol 6.7 GHz spectral line for three different star-forming regions: S255IR-NIRS3, G24.329+0.144, and Cepheus A. Our analysis shows that some of the flux–density ...
  • Perucho, Manuel; Marti, Jose-Maria; Hanasz, Michał (2005-10-14)
    The linear and non-linear stability of sheared, relativistic planar jets is studied by means of linear stability analysis and numerical hydrodynamical simulations. Our results extend the previous Kelvin-Hemlholtz stability ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2010-01-10)
    We analyze non-Markovian evolution of open quantum systems. It is shown that any dynamical map representing evolution of such a system may be described either by non-local master equation with memory kernel or equivalently ...
  • Pelc, Marta; Jaskólski, Włodzimierz; Ayuela, Andres; Chico, Leonor (2013)
  • Jaskólski, Włodzimierz; Chico, Leonor; Ayuela, Andres; Pelc, Marta (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013)
  • Targowski, Piotr; Kowalska, Magdalena; Sylwestrzak, Marcin; Iwanicka, Magdalena (2019-08-27)
    OCT was first time reported as a tool for examination of cultural heritage objects in 2004. It is mainly used for examination of subsurface structure of easel paintings (such as varnishes and glazes) but has also been ...
  • Przegiętka, Krzysztof; Chruścińska, Alicja (Elsevier B.V., 2014-05)
    The paper reports on three levels of dose rates obtainable from single beta source: (133±3) mGy/s, (17.8±0.3) mGy/s and (1.94±0.04) mGy/s, as calibrated for quartz sand grains. These values were achieved for different ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2007-06-13)
    We construct a large class of quantum "d x d" states which are positive under partial transposition (so called PPT states). The construction is based on certain direct sum decomposition of the total Hilbert space displaying ...
  • Accardi, L.; Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Matsuoka, Takashi; Ohya, Masanori (2011-02-01)
    We analyze the procedure of lifting in classical stochastic and quantum systems. It enables one to `lift' a state of a system into a state of `system+reservoir'. This procedure is important both in quantum information ...
  • Hirota, Yuji; Chruściński, Dariusz; Matsuoka, Takashi; Ohya, Masanori (2012-09-12)
    We study the correlations of classical and quantum systems from the information theoretical points of view. We analyze a simple measure of correlations based on entropy (such measure was already investigated as the degree ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2011-08-10)
    It is well known that so called Breuer-Hall positive maps used in entanglement theory are optimal. We show that these maps possess much more subtle property --- they are exposed. As a byproduct it proves that a Robertson ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Rivas, Ángel (2011-03-24)
    We analyze two recently proposed measures of non-Markovianity: one based on the concept of divisibility of the dynamical map and the other one based on distinguishability of quantum states. We provide a toy model to show ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2006-02-01)
    We construct a new class of multipartite states possessing orthogonal symmetry. This new class defines a convex hull of multipartite states which are invariant under the action of local unitary operations introduced in our ...

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