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Liczba wizyt
Liberal constitutionalism - between individual and collective interests 2116


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Liberal constitutionalism - between individual and collective interests 18 28 20 24 25 26 11

Pobieranie/wyświetlenie plików publikacji

Liczba wizyt
A. Bień-Kacała, L. Csink, T. Milej, M. Serowaniec (eds.), Liberal constitutionalism – between individual and collective interests, Toruń 2017_a..pdf 3262
A. Bień-Kacała, L. Csink, T. Milej, M. Serowaniec (eds.), Liberal constitutionalism – between individual and collective interests, Toruń 2017..pdf 493


Liczba wizyt
United States 1135
Ukraine 198
Poland 129
Germany 124
EU 75
Russia 42
United Kingdom 32
Sweden 25
China 22
Italy 22


Liczba wizyt
Woodbridge 255
Mountain View 218
South El Monte 167
Indianapolis 154
Torun 73
Wilmington 72
Kiez 67
Seattle 44
Fairfield 23
Baltimore 17