

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika


Odwiedziny ogółem

Liczba wizyt
Loneliness experienced by informal caregivers of the chronically ill in their homes. Proposed solutions and practical recommendations for local communities 3578


styczeń 2024 luty 2024 marzec 2024 kwiecień 2024 maj 2024 czerwiec 2024 lipiec 2024
Loneliness experienced by informal caregivers of the chronically ill in their homes. Proposed solutions and practical recommendations for local communities 13 20 13 20 17 19 18

Pobieranie/wyświetlenie plików publikacji

Liczba wizyt
Loneliness experienced by informal caregivers of the chronically ill in their homes.pdf 575


Liczba wizyt
United States 2899
Ukraine 159
EU 79
Germany 61
Poland 49
Russia 36
Sweden 31
China 24
Canada 18
United Kingdom 15


Liczba wizyt
Austin 2200
Woodbridge 197
Mountain View 179
Fairfield 41
Kiez 37
Wilmington 35
Sunnyvale 32
Seattle 31
Torun 31
Indianapolis 24