

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika


Odwiedziny ogółem

Liczba wizyt
Nicholas V. Longo, Cynthia M. Gibson (red.), From Command to Community. A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities, Tufts University Press, Medford 2011, ss. 261 1302


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Nicholas V. Longo, Cynthia M. Gibson (red.), From Command to Community. A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities, Tufts University Press, Medford 2011, ss. 261 10 26 16 15 16 28 18

Pobieranie/wyświetlenie plików publikacji

Liczba wizyt
From Command to Community.pdf 480


Liczba wizyt
United States 565
Ukraine 160
Germany 137
EU 74
Russia 49
China 39
Poland 39
Canada 17
Sweden 16
United Kingdom 13


Liczba wizyt
Woodbridge 204
Mountain View 105
Kiez 44
Seattle 42
Sunnyvale 32
Wilmington 24
Fairfield 21
Secaucus 18
Indianapolis 16
Shenzhen 15