
Wydział Teologiczny / Faculty of Theology Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "Baptism"

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Wydział Teologiczny / Faculty of Theology Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "Baptism"

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  • Olszewska, Karolina (2017-03-03)
    In this article we discussed the possible baptismal elements occurring in Rev 2–3. We can notice them twelve: the candlestick (2:5); the fruit of the tree of life (2:7); the crown (2:10; 3:11); the hidden manna (2:17a); ...
  • Niemira, Artur (2017-11-08)
    A baptism – the first of the sacrament that a person receives in a life, is the foundation of all Christian existence and introduce (initiate) into the life of faith. It implies the consequences of a moral character, that ...