The North African martyr stories, especially the earlier ones, rarely mention miraculous elements. However, when they do appear, they are often connected with elements of nature or animals. The bodies of the Donatist martyrs ...
In questo articolo si discute la specificità e l’importanza dell’idea di teologia della scienza proposta dal filosofo e teologo polacco Michał Heller, ricostruendo sommariamente i tratti salienti di questa disciplina, ...
Roszak, Piotr(Wydawnictwo W drodze - Instytut Tomistyczny, 2020)
Monografia jest analizą komentarza św. Tomasza z Akwinu do Księgi Psalmów, zawierającą w pierwszej części opis stosowanych przez niego metod w egzegezie biblijnej, założeń hermeneutycznych interpretacji Pisma Świętego, zaś ...
This contribution seeks to clarify the biblical meaning of the fear of God as a Gift of the Holy Spirit. It does by taking the biblical hermeneutics of Thomas Aquinas as a guide. It argues for the importance of this Gift ...
This contribution seeks to introduce the reader to Aquinas’scommentary on the Letter to the Hebrews by examining the main exegetical techniques used by Aquinas, identifying the most important patristic and medieval sources ...