
Artykuły (WNoPiB) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "distributive justice"

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Artykuły (WNoPiB) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "distributive justice"

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  • Dominiak, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2015)
    In the present paper, I investigate the relation between the institution of obligatory child support and libertarianism, particularly a libertarian theory of distributive justice. I demonstrate that the institution of ...
  • Dominiak, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2014)
    In this paper, I employ the method of refl ective equilibrium to analyse background conditions of our considered judgements about distributive justice generated by a thought experiment called “Th ree Children and a Flute”, ...