
Artykuły (WNZD) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "culture"

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Artykuły (WNZD) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "culture"

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  • Kostyło, Hanna; Kostyło, Piotr (2014-12-31)
    The article presents the understanding of general education in Theodore Brameld’s social reconstructionism. After giving a short sketch of basic information on reconstructionism in the introduction, the authors focus on ...
  • Bernaciak, Elżbieta; Farbicka, Paulina; Jaworska-Czerwińska, Aleksandra; Szotkiewicz, Renata (2019-03-03)
    After Poland's accession to the European Union, borders were opened and migrations from many culturally different countries intensified, which led to an increase in immigrants and refugees assimilating in Poland. Numerous ...