
Artykuły (WNZD) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "school children"

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Artykuły (WNZD) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "school children"

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  • Jankowska, Joanna; Szymelfejnik, Ewa; Nowak, Dariusz (2012-10-15)
    Introduction. Phosphorus is an element which naturally occurs in food. However, much phosphorus is also added to food in the form of emulsifiers, stabilizers or raising agents. The growing popularity of highly processed ...
  • Jankowska, Joanna; Szymelfejnik, Ewa; Nowak, Dariusz (2012-10-15)
    Introduction. Phosphorus is an element naturally occurring in foods. A large amount of this compound is also added to foods such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, and rippers. The growing popularity of high-processed foods is ...