Vineyards are important perennial, often intensively managed agroecosystems. In most vineyards, ground vegetation
is controlled by tillage and/or the application of broadband herbicides with scarcely known effects on
the soil fauna. We studied a total of 16 commercial vineyards in the Târnave wine region, a typical viticultural
region in Transylvania, Central Romania. As a model organism for surface-dwelling arthropods we examined the
response of springtail (Collembola) species richness and activity density to vineyard tillage practices, fertilization,
and herbicide application. A total of 24 species in 10 families were found in the studied vineyards. Principal
coordinates analysis (PCoA) identified three distinct springtail communities linked to tillage and fertilization
practice. Springtail species richness was positively associated with high tillage intensity (frequency: once or
twice a year). Springtail activity density in inter-rows was positively correlated with inter-row tillage and
herbicide application under grapevines. For the first time we could show that springtail species assemblages in
vineyards were characterized by high niche overlap regarding soil quality (organic matter, pH, CaCO3, P and K),
indicating similar resource utilization. We conclude that the positive influence of vineyard management and
disturbance on surface-dwelling springtail communities is possibly due to the exclusion of potential competitors
and predators, the stimulation of microorganisms and/or an increased nutrient input.