Talking about ecological education in the religious education undertaken in Christian communities we should not ask ‘if’ but ‘how’ it should appear what the rules governing it are and what the methods and means should be used. The paper aims at researching a fragment of reality in terms of Christian religious education in terms of ecology, and more specifically it discusses the issue of using tourism as a method in the area of education mentioned above. Researching the problem the author considered the specifics of Christian ethics which relates to both the natural cognition as well as to the Revelation. It also displays a difference between ethics and morality, because in the latter one the motivation of will to undertake certain actions and discard some is crucial. The research in the article attempts at displaying that tourism is a chance for Christian moral education concerning nature. In its space not only a recognition of the world with its rules and aims ascribed to its nature takes place but also it can be a chance to look at oneself from a different perspective and discovering oneself in the context of relation with God – nature makes man question the idea of Absolute being the cause of the world as well as it also helps to look at oneself as a weak creature, not capable of coping with many situations and finally, it creates the space of silence in which a tourist can reflect on himself and his own life. The recognition of the onthological relation between man and God is another motivation to protect the environment, which according to the words of biblical Revelation was given to man to take care of.