
Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "evaluation of scientific research"

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "evaluation of scientific research"

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  • Kącka, Katarzyna; Michalak, Bartłomiej; Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna (2018-06-27)
    In a dynamically developing scientific environment, there is a tendency toward creating mechanisms that objectively evaluate the output of individual scientific units. Selected indicators can be applied, inter alia, to ...
  • Kącka, Katarzyna; Michalak, Bartłomiej; Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna (2018-12-13)
    Effectiveness in publishing is currently the most important criterion in the process of the evaluation of scientific and research units in Poland. In the national evaluations system for such units, this criterion has the ...