
Bevel-ended bone artefacts from Pulli, Estonia: Early Mesolithic debarking tools?

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

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dc.contributor.author Osipowicz, Grzegorz
dc.contributor.author Lõugas, Lembi
dc.contributor.author Luik, Heidi
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-02T18:54:34Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-02T18:54:34Z
dc.date.issued 2025-03-02
dc.identifier.uri http://repozytorium.umk.pl/handle/item/7177
dc.description.abstract This paper reports the results of the first attempt of traceological studies (technological and functional) of bone products from the unique Early Mesolithic site of Pulli, Estonia. The analysis covered a group of specific tools made primarily from elk’s metapodial bones, referred to as Pulli-type bevel-ended tools. Through microscopic studies, the complete biography of these artefacts was reconstructed, considering all stages of their production and the phases of use and abandonment. Use-wear analysis and studies in the field of experimental archaeology allowed the interpretation of the function of these products, which can be perceived as specialised tools for obtaining bark (debarking). The results of the conducted studies were compared with those of singular technological and functional studies on similar early Holocene bone tools from European contexts.
dc.description.sponsorship This research was funded by the National Science Centre Poland, project no. 2021/43/B/HS3/00500
dc.language.iso eng
dc.rights Attribution 4.0 Poland
dc.rights.uri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.pl
dc.subject Pulli
dc.subject Early Mesolithic
dc.subject Bone tools
dc.subject Traceology
dc.subject Tool production and use
dc.subject Debarking
dc.subject Chaîne opératoire
dc.title Bevel-ended bone artefacts from Pulli, Estonia: Early Mesolithic debarking tools?
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/preprint


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Attribution 4.0 Poland Ta pozycja jest udostępniona na licencji Attribution 4.0 Poland