The aim of the article is to argue that an online qualitative survey (OQS) is a useful re-search technique that is feasible to apply during a social crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. AnOQS has an unclear status in the spectrum of research techniques, as it combines features of quan-titative and qualitative research, and there is little recognition in the literature of its advantages anddisadvantages in the context of other research techniques used during a social crisis. We describeour research experiences of using this technique and the experiences of our survey participants. Wealso compare the strengths and limitations of using an OQS during the COVID-19 pandemic againstother techniques used at the time.
(PDF) Strengths and Limitations of an Online Qualitative Survey in Times of Social Crisis: Example of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/385411969_Strengths_and_Limitations_of_an_Online_Qualitative_Survey_in_Times_of_Social_Crisis_Example_of_the_COVID-19_Pandemic [accessed Nov 04 2024].