In this paper we generalize the well known relation between Heyting algebras and Nelson algebras in the framework of subresiduated lattices. In order to make it possible, we introduce the variety of subresiduated Nelson algebras. The main tool for its study is the construction provided by Vakarelov. Using it, we characterize the lattice of congruences of a subresiduated Nelson algebra through some of its implicative filters. We use this characterization to describe simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras, as well as principal congruences. Moreover, we prove that the variety of subresiduated Nelson algebras has equationally definable principal congruences and also the congruence extension property. Additionally, we present an equational base for the variety generated by the totally ordered subresiduated Nelson algebras. Finally, we show that there exists an equivalence between the algebraic category of subresiduated lattices and the algebraic category of centered subresiduated Nelson algebras.