Some significant similarities in values and the democratic system itself as
well as extraordinary number of common bodies and dialogues notwithstanding, the
relationship between the european Union and India lends itself to a rather unenthusiastic
qualification as a static, reluctant and even disappointing bilateralism. Both
actors seem to acknowledge one another’s status as major international players, but
cannot reach the cohesion about one another’s role (to be) played in shaping contemporary
international affairs. The first question that this chapter seeks to address
is how the interplay of (largely weak) strategic goals and roles convergence has so far
shaped partners’ cooperation willingness. It also examines two foundations of trust
between the partners: mutual understanding and respect. Morover, the chapter provides
the detailed analysis of factors that determine actors’ cooperation sustainability
and offers insights into why the highly potential Indo-european partnership has so
far ranked amongst world’s most disappointing underachievers.