Airbnb is the most valuable tourism company in history and an epitome of the platform economy in tourism. Since 2020, together with the entire tourism sector, it has experienced
the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper presents the context for the current international research on Airbnb by describing the origin, current state, and possible developments
of the platform offer during and after the pandemic. The data on the global Airbnb offer in 2018,
2019, and 2020 comes from web-scraping the platform website. It shows that the dynamic growth
of accommodation supply stopped in the last year. The platform offer has continued to disperse
geographically towards less saturated markets and rural areas during the pandemic period. Entire
flats and apartments have been continuously growing in dominance in the structure of the listing,
while the slower growth in the percentage of multihosts’ listings indicates a slowdown in the process of the professionalisation of the platform offer.
Preprint artykułu, który ukarze się w czasopiśmie: Oikonomics nr 15, 2021, wydawanego przez: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.