The article describes the results obtained in the research conducted in the form of an analysis
of online secondary sources (websites of organizations supporting people with disabilities).
The study covers websites of ten major European organizations whose main activity
is to help people with disabilities. The research question is: ”What topics and issues dominate
in the web content created by organizations, and what is overlooked, unnoticed?”. The
analysis of websites makes it possible to identify five significant thematic categories that
dominate the content published by the selected organizations; these categories are - education,
legal issues, architectural barriers, financial issues, social activities. In addition, the
research makes it possible to diagnose the absence of several critical disability-related topics
in the published content. Essential issues omitted on the institutions’ websites include adulthood
and sexuality of people with disabilities, everyday life of people with disabilities and
their families, and individual perspectives of people with disabilities (presentation of topics
from the group’s point of view, lack of personal viewpoint). According to research result
there is also a hierarchy of disabilities in the content published on the websites (e. g., a small
number of articles devoted to intellectual disabilities or mental disorders).
Niepełnosprawność i Rehabilitacja : kwartalnik Instytutu Rozwoju Służb Społecznych vol. 4, 2020, pp. 12-21.