Introduction: Knowledge about participants of a sporting event is very important. Sponsors expect from
the organizers of such events knowledge about participants - who they are, what are their expectations,
how much they are willing to spend during a sports event. Mullin et al. (2007) developed The staircase
approach to sport marketing, which describes the involvement of sports viewers. Through the development
of mass sports (street runs - half marathons and marathons, obstacle courses, triathlons), earlier
viewers become factors contributing to sports events. By this fact, there is a lack of knowledge about
them (viewers). Shank & Lyberger (2015) noticed that for sponsors, apart from demographic factors, also
aspects affecting the satisfaction of the competition. Edwards & Skinner (2009) appreciate the importance
of ethnography research. Research carried out by the author in 2017 among triathlonists focused on the
recognition of sponsors’ brands. Analyzing the collected data, it was noted that the correlation takes place
through the place of sponsorship exposure, not the size of sponsorship fees. In connection with such results,
the next step is to defi ne the player profi le itself and him events satisfaction, so that the sponsors
and organizers can prepare a more personalized offer. Aim: Identifi cation of the satisfaction participant of
triathlon events for marketing purposes (and organising). Methods: The study of triathletes profi les and
event satisfaction was carried out using the on-line survey method (5-point Likert scale), by sending one
week after event to participants of the Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon - the largest amateur event in Poland
(2972 participants), messages with a request to supplement the questionnaire. Answers were given by 466
(about 15,7% all Enea Bydgoszcz Triathlon participants). Results and Discussion: Participants assessed
the event in three aspects: pre-event activities, event organization, accompanying events. The highest result
(on a fi ve-point scale) in the aspect of pre-event activities was achieved by “effi ciency of issuing starter
packages” - 4.9 points, the lowest “content of starter packages” - 4.3 points. Aspects during the event
- the best result was obtained by the change zone (4.89 points), the worst protection of the crossings by
tram tracks (3.85 points). References: Shank, M.D., Lyberger M.R. (2015). Sports marketing a strategic
perspective. London and New York: Routledge. Skinner, J., Stewart B. (2017). Organizational behaviour
in sport. London and New York: Routledge. Masterman G. (2014). Strategic sports event management.
London and New York: Routledge. Edwards A., Skinner J. (2009). Qualitative Research in Sport Management.
Oxford: Elsevier. Mullin, B.J., Hardy, S., Sutton, W.A., (2007). Sport marketing. Human Kinetics.