Secrets of Szczuczyn crypts (Volume IV) – Piarist burials
Secrets of Szczuczyn crypts’ (vol. 4) were written to present next results of archaeological explorations made in two crypts under the presbytery of The Holy Virgin Mary church in Szczuczyn. Making the inventory works and archaeological studies in the crypts was possible thanks to cooperation of prof. Małgorzata Grupa’s team from NCU in Toruń and dr Tomasz Dudziński, representing Grajewo Historical Chamber and Szczuczyn parish priest Robert. Due to a number of information obtained during exploration, the decision was made to divide the material, taking into account its characteristic features. Earlier volumes concentrated on presentation of crypts inventory works results, together with problems related with numerous infant burials, as well as history of male grave attire, including examples of western fashion garments. Thanks to works of interdisciplinary research team it was possible to perform many kinds of analyses not only archaeological, but also anthropological and historical. Simultaneously, analyses of written and iconographical sources and laboratory and conservation works were made on a part of archaeological material sent by the parish to The Laboratory of Archaeological Monuments Conservation of the Archaeological Institute of NCU in Toruń. Archaeological sources were limited only to elements of grave equipment, which had been thrown out of coffins and mixed with sand depositing in the crypts during the past 300 years. Because of their archaeological context destruction, the decision was made to protect them during clearing and inventory works. Next they were transported to the laboratory in Toruń.
In the space of the last years special microclimate in the crypts has started to change, which resulted in worsening the factors influencing mummified human remains and other objects made of organic materials. All research and analyses had a purpose to document possibly the biggest amount of information concerning rich history of the church and the monastery complex, as well as reconstruct life of inhabitants of the town founded by Stanisław Antoni Szczuka.
Volume 4 was dedicated to priests and The Piarist monks, whose remnants were deposited in these crypts, together with lay representatives of local society. There is no doubt that the Piarist Order played the key role in history of monastery-church complex in Szczuczyn – in particular, in its first hundred-year period of functioning. That was the Order, which was in the beginning of Szczuczyn foundation establishing in 1696. The Order erected the monastery and managed it until the act of the Order dissolution by Prussian authorities in the beginning of 19th century. Archival records concerning the Piarist monastery in Szczuczyn are rather scarce, although in the beginning of 19th c a part of sources had been still kept in Szczuczyn church. Their list was included in „Księga Złota Parafji Szczuczyńskiej” (Golden Book of Szczuczyn Parish Church). Because of individual character of clergy burials, the researchers made a decision to describe that material as a separate collection of archaeological and historical sources.
During preliminary inventory works we succeeded in identifying 29 burials of persons belonging to clergy. Information placed on coffin fronts, indicating monks and priests turned out to be very helpful in identification of particular persons. Burial analyses in-situ let us collect information concerning grave equipment. In vast majority of cases a number of similarities was observed, what is rather not surprising taking into account unification in rules referring to burial ceremonies of the Order members. Uniformed rite of clergy burials is very important because of the Church rules.
While working on volume 4, the emphasis was put on analyses of archaeological and historical sources. The activities of the Order in Polish lands well documented created possibilities of wider source analyses in the context of historical facts and documents referring to particular persons, involved in Szczuczyn monastery functioning.
First chapter concentrates on history of Piarists Order in Szczuczyn, their activities and source information concerning numerous donors for the monastery and the Order until the time of its dissolution in 19th c.
Second chapter discuses the problem of identification of particular burials on the base of coffin inscriptions and the deceased lists.
Third chapter contains brief biographies of priests and monks to acquaint the readers with their persons.
Chapter four collects elaborations concerning archaeological material and the detailed burials descriptions. Grave equipment and coffins are described separately. It should be remembered that burials of clergy contained, except, liturgical vestments, also various devotional objects and parts of garments belonging to casual clothes, worn under habits or cassocks.
Chapter five concentrates on aspects of Piarists monkhood and obligations of a lay life. The authors of this book part tried to describe real monks clothes and compare the situation with monasticism regulations. Characteristics of textiles used for sewing different clothes parts enabled to present indirectly the monastery reality. Using linen or woollen textiles was naturally inscribed into 18th and 19th c. Unfortunately, their complete decomposition in archaeological material is a usual obstacle in studying even their general characteristics. The phenomenon of Szczuczyn finds, both in lay and clergy burials, changes the situation. Therefore, the authors, if it is possible, try in particular work volumes to demonstrate percentage use of these textiles in grave equipments.
Undoubtedly, thick silk textiles without its typical shine of silks obtained from domesticated silk moths belong to the most significant and fascinating elements of the textile collection. The problem of breeding silkworms on other leaves than white mulberry and obtaining silk thread of their cocoons has been poorly recognized in the material from the last millennium. Szczuczyn textiles may contribute and provoke desirable and fruitful discussion on the subject.
Analyses of particular clothes parts enabled to define garments worn during lifetime and prepared specially for burial ceremony. As a rule, monk clothes and underwear were used by them during mortal life, while liturgical vestments belonged to grave gowns and their forms and textile quality varied, although they were within The Church regulations. Apart from attire, devotional objects found in single coffins and coffins themselves were characterized and described: their shapes, constructions, way of decorating (in majority they were painted black) and white inscriptions, situated on their shorter walls.
The book is completed by a catalogue including descriptive and metrical information concerning liturgical vestments and monks clothes. A part of garments, where it was possible to obtain samples for analyses is described in details including technology, and the other part was only listed. In case of elements described more precisely in situ, they are listed in order, completed by metrical descriptions.