Research purpose: The aim of the paper is to identify the scope of the engagement of the military logistic system in supporting civil crisis management operations and reducing the negative effects of natural disasters and technical failures. Methodology/approach: The single case study methodology is applied to achieve the aim of the research. The case analysis focuses its attention on the logistic system of the Polish Armed Forces as the unit of the study. The following methods have been used to collect the data for the study: literature review, documentation analysis, analysis of the news published on the website of the Inspectorate for the Armed Forces Support and participatory observation. Findings: The key areas of support provided by military logistics for the operations of civil crisis management encompass preparing the conditions for temporary stay of evacuated population and medical support. The lessons identified from the civil crisis management operations conducted between 2008 and 2015 confirm that the scope of real life support provided by the military logistic system is consistent with the priorities of crisis and humanitarian logistics which include supplies of drinkable water, food, clothes, electric power and logistic services. Limitations/implications: The applied methodology of the single case study limits the possibility to generalize the findings. The analysis is deeply embedded into a given context i.e. civil crisis management operations supported by Polish military logistics between 2008 and 2015. Originality/value: So far, not enough research attention has been given to the issue of the military logistics engagement in supporting the civil crisis management to mitigate the negative effects of natural disasters and technical failures. Therefore, the study contributes to the efforts to fill the identified gap in knowledge.