
Analiza struktury ekonomicznych procesów przestrzennych na przykładzie PKB w wybranych krajach europejskich

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dc.contributor.author Szulc, Elżbieta
dc.date.accessioned 2016-06-20T13:01:19Z
dc.date.available 2016-06-20T13:01:19Z
dc.date.issued 2008-08-04
dc.identifier.citation Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Ekonomia, Vol. 38, pp. 7-20
dc.identifier.issn 2392-1269
dc.identifier.other doi:10.12775/AUNC_ECON.2008.001
dc.identifier.uri http://repozytorium.umk.pl/handle/item/3505
dc.description.abstract Artykuł prezentuje procedurę budowy ekonometrycznego modelu przestrzennego na przykładzie PKB w wybranych krajach europejskich. Procedura ta nawiązuje do zasady, stosowanej w ekonometrii dynamicznej, według której podstawą modelowania procesu ekonomicznego jest odkrycie jego wewnętrznej struktury i własności. W artykule wyodrębniono deterministyczne i stochastyczne składniki badanego procesu i uzasadniono potrzebę ich uwzględnienia w konstruowanym modelu.
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the paper is to show the procedure of modelling of the spatial processes, which takes into account the deterministic and stochastic structure of these processes. In the introduction a general structure of components of the spatial economic process was presented. The property of homogeneity (stationarity) of the spatial processes was discussed as well. In the section 2 the notion of the spatial trend was formulated and the chosen models of the spatial trends were presented. There was also demonstrated an empirical example of fi tting the adequate model of the spatial trend. In the section 3 the attention was focused on the phenomenon of the spatial autocorrelation. The structures of spatial connections most often used for investigating the  autocorrelation were pointed out. The appropriate measure of the spatial autocorrelation was given and an empirical example of investigating the autocorrelation was presented. The analysis of the spatial autocorrelation was realized in particular basing on the readings of the so-called spatial correlogram. In the section 4 the model of the spatial process, which takes into consideration the previous settlements as regards its internal structure, was proposed. The section 5 includes a short recapitulation. The results of the investigation confi rmed the necessity of determining the internal structures while modelling the spatial economic processes.
dc.language.iso pol
dc.rights Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/pl/
dc.subject trend przestrzenny
dc.subject autokorelacja przestrzenna
dc.subject macierz powiązań
dc.subject korelogram
dc.subject spatial trend
dc.subject spatial autocorrelation
dc.subject connectivity matrix
dc.subject correlogram
dc.title Analiza struktury ekonomicznych procesów przestrzennych na przykładzie PKB w wybranych krajach europejskich
dc.title.alternative Analysis of the structure of economic spatial processes on the example of GDP in chosen european countries
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

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