Postcolonial studies constitute one of the most interesting contemporary theoretical approaches used to examine culture and politics. The postcolonial perspective is mostly used to analyze the relationship between Western countries and their former colonies. It also serves as a tool to determine the consequences of the colonizers’ presence on the colonized territories. Presently, there have been attempts to apply the postcolonial perspective to examine other countries, such as Russia (the former Soviet Union). yet we should remember that if we want to apply postcolonial theory to another geographical area, we should be aware of the cultural, historical and political differences in that territory. This article presents crucial concepts in postcolonial studies and emphasizes the fact that applying a postcolonial perspective to the analysis of the Russian Empire means applying postcolonial concepts and research methods in a meaningful way. Furthermore, the article presents major problems of applying this perspective to examine Russia. The problems are connected with the country’s identity, the influence of Marxism and the lack of possessing “typical” colonies. The paper also shows what opportunities arise from applying the postcolonial perspective to the analysis of Russia.