Category “the community” brings an intuitive association with the Catholic Church. He sees himself in this way, however, does not reserve that name only for himself. The article shows atributes with describes category “the comunity” from the perspective of Catholic Church. From the one hand it allows to show how Curch understood his own role, from the second it gives the answer why it use the category “the comunity” to describes other structures. The basis of contemporary teaching of the Catholic Church is the Bible, thats why the this source should be analyse at first. Based on today’s most popular Polish translation – Biblia Tysiąclecia, we can make some conclusions. At first „the community” in the Bible is every time seen as something valuable. Second, it is used primarily applied to the first Christians. Thirdly its use shows how strong are ties connected persons which create them. The modern Church as the community sees a number of structures. Communities are: friends, marriages and families, nations, states, and, as already mentioned, the Church. The feature of the community is motivation to right – thats why it is a moral concept. Communities in catholic terms don not abstracts from the evaluation criteria resulting from the utility. Thanks to the communities it is possible to both improve the material conditions, as the implementation of individual political preferences. However in a number of detailed matters, between the communities, there are many differences. While it is undeniable that in a Christian view community is characterized by close links between rights and responsibilities. The first of them every time they are the source of the latter.