
Krzemienne zbrojniki broni miotanej z ziemi chełmińskiej w świetle analiz traseologicznych i badań eksperymentalnych

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

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dc.contributor.author Nowak, Dorota
dc.contributor.author Osipowicz, Grzegorz
dc.date.accessioned 2014-01-21T14:37:52Z
dc.date.available 2014-01-21T14:37:52Z
dc.date.issued 2014-01-13
dc.identifier.citation Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Archeologia, Vol. 32, pp. 57-112
dc.identifier.issn 0137-6616
dc.identifier.other doi:10.12775/AUNC_ARCH.2012.002
dc.identifier.uri http://repozytorium.umk.pl/handle/item/1583
dc.description.abstract In this paper we describe an experiment designed to give a basis for a detailed classification of use-wear traces formed on flint projectile points, resulting from hitting of different types of organic and inorganic materials. We aim for verification of the existing findings in this matter, with particular attention devoted to microscopic damage (microcrush-outs, polish and striations). The list of traces characteristic for projectile points is formed mainly basing on morphology (current microscopic observations) and only indirectly on functional classification. In the course of our experiment 122 arrowhead replicas were used: 33 points, 31 arrowheads with bifacial surface retouch, 26 trapezes and 16 composite arrowheads (made of a lateral inset/barb and point inset each). Our classification includes 22 diagnostic features, divided into 4 main groups: fractures, retouching, polish and striations. Among fractures most characteristic were the complex splintered ones as well as certain types of fractures with retouch (especially those with spin-off spalls). Among the retouched ones and crush-outs the most abundant ones exhibited microburin and spin-off spalls, though retouches such as: toothed, splintered, post-impact and splintered near the holder were considered as important, too. Attention was also paid to slanting edge retouch, which is not found on other types of functional tools. Among different types of polish special attention was given to those formed as a result of a tool’s rapid friction against a hard material at the point of impact. Prime importance was given to patch-like and linear polish; large significance was also given to specific types of ridge and edge polish. Linear traces were found to be of little use for the interpretation of a missile weapon’s insets function. Our observations suggest that the identification of prehistoric projectile points may require a much more precise analysis than those hitherto conducted. Relying solely on the basic types of post-impact traces is inadequate. Traces of this type are in fact only present on a small percentage of the total number of insets. In addition, some kinds of them formed only in specific circumstances, in which both the type of arrowhead and the kind of target were of importance. Information obtained through the experiment and traceological research was used for the analysis of archaeologically obtained arrowhead insets. These are dated from Terminal Palaeolithic to Early Bronze Age and they came from sites located in the north-eastern parts of the Polish Plain.
dc.description.abstract Głównym celem badań opisanych w artykule była szczegółowa klasyfikacja śladów użytkowych, powstających na krzemiennych zbrojnikach broni miotanej po trafieniu w różne typy materiałów organicznych i nieorganicznych. Badania te miały umożliwić weryfikację dotychczasowych ustaleń w tym względzie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu grupy zniszczeń mikroskopowych (mikrowykruszeń, wyświeceń i śladów liniowych). Aby umożliwić identyfikację wszystkich istotnych elementów diagnostycznych listę mikrośladów charakteryzujących zbrojniki broni miotanej tworzono na podstawie bieżących obserwacji mikroskopowych, jedynie pośrednio opierając się o funkcjonujące schematy. Stworzona klasyfikacja obejmuje 22 cechy diagnostyczne, podzielone na 4 grupy główne: złamania, retusze, wyświecenia i ślady liniowe. Informacje uzyskane na drodze badań traseologicznych i doświadczalnych wykorzystano do analizy zbrojników broni miotanej datowanych na okres od paleolitu schyłkowego do wczesnej epoki brązu, pochodzących ze stanowisk archeologicznych znajdujących się w północno-wschodniej części Niżu Polskiego.
dc.language.iso pol
dc.rights Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/pl/
dc.title Krzemienne zbrojniki broni miotanej z ziemi chełmińskiej w świetle analiz traseologicznych i badań eksperymentalnych
dc.title.alternative Stone and Early Bronze Ages missile weapon fl int projectile points from Chełmno Land (central Poland). Some remarks from use wear analysis and experimental studies
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article


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