A presentation of the main assumptions and objectives of feminist philosophy of science,
as formulated in the feminist empiricism and feminist standpoint theories. Underlined is
their shared starting point: science-based knowledge being approached as a socially-
-constructed collective project in which the values accepted in our culture may be found.
Feminist (and female) scholars ask questions of how science reinforces configurations of the
basic categories (e.g. rationality objectivity masculinity), and how gender stereotypes
inform or affect scientific theories. The gender-related status of science manifests itself in its
institutional structure (with a prevalence of the male element) as well as in the language and
metaphors of scientific theories. The scholar takes a closer look at the gender structure of
the major Polish science-related institutions, along with the formulations assumed by selected
scientific theories (e.g. biological concepts of insemination, evolutionary research on the
origins of humans).