Unlike many facets of language – phonology, syntax, semantics or even prag-
matics – linguistic politeness (LP) has attracted little attention of evolutionarily
minded researchers. We think that this lack of interest – apart from a few isolated
attempts (van Rooy, 2003;
nski, 2012; Wacewicz et al., 2015; Pleyer &
Pleyer, 2016) is not dictated by a peripheral status of LP for the description of
language, and especially for language evolution. LP is a universal characteristic
of languages (cf. Brown & Levinson, 1987) but its specific markers are subject to
considerable cultural variation, a combination of features that makes it an interest-
ing target for evolutionary modeling. Next, LP is first and foremost a set of inter-
actional strategies, and hence naturally lends itself to rendering in game-theoretic
terms (cf. Quinley, 2011). In this paper, we take a game-theoretic approach and
make a case that LP can be subsumed under a more general explanatory principle:
disalignment of interests. This is formally expressed as the Politeness Equilibrium
Principle (PEP), whereby the more disalignment there is between the interests of
Speaker and Hearer, the more LP Speaker needs to use to offset the imbalance.
Furthermore, we present a game-theoretic model to show that the use of LP pre-
dicated on the PEP forms an evolutionary stable system.