This article presents the signs and the benefits of positive relations existing between employees, because one of the modern manager’s main tasks is shaping friendly atmosphere and building positive interpersonal relationships. In order to confirm the thesis formulated by the author: positive interpersonal relationships contribute to generate benefits for employees were used diary method as well as corporate interviews focusing. The results of the research process has been verified by analyzing the content using encoding process. The analysis of the records and of the answers of the respondents during the interviews the made it possible to isolate a lot of categories, confirming the existence of the signs and the benefits for the employees due to the occurrence of positive interpersonal relations. The analysis of the results confirmed that the employees are aware of the importance of positive relationships and are open to their keeping, so it is worth that their immediate supervisor should implement behavior and tools that will strengthen them. In most situations the positive relationships between employees during the fulfilling their professional duties translate into their private relationships.