The aim of this article is to analyze the efficiency of the three currently working on the
Polish side bilateral textbook commissions (Polish-German, Polish-Lithuanian and
Polish-Ukrainian). Its added value lies, firstly, in rarely undertaken in the literature comparative
research – the author’s ambitions go beyond simple description of several different
textbook committees. Secondly, in the formulation of concrete conclusions, which
to some extent can be applied in practice. The used research method was studying the
documents. Using the technique of critical analysis of the content the author revealed
similarities and differences in the functioning of the three institutions in terms of: the
history of creation; tasks, procedures and organization of their work; discussed topics
and appearing controversies; the effects of undertaken actions. On that basis, she formulated
the conviction that a decisive impact on the effectiveness of the mentioned institutions
have the following factors: ambitions and chosen by commissions course of action,
the framework of states’ educational policies, the political support of the governments,
wide debate on commissions’ findings, attitudes of the societies on the both sides of the
border and objective factors like: time, stage of nation-building process and partners’ financial capacities.