Thermoluminescence (TL) of strontium orthosilicate doped with Eu2+ has been investigated in the range RT- 750 K. Trap parameters of a TL peak at 450 K established by means of glow curve analysis suggest the possibility of applying this sensitive peak for TL dosimetry. The thermal stability test shows that the 450 K peak is partially unstable. The isothermal decay experiments reveal that the traps responsible for this peak can be emptied by a competitive way that is efficient during storage at a constant temperature, and is characterized by lower values of activation energy and frequency factor.
Poster zaprezentowany na miedzynarodowej konferencji naukowej 1st International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-28 June 2013; w formie artykułu, po recenzjach został przyjęty do druku w Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2014); DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2014.05.043