For communities of Lusatian culture (the III Bronze Age period – the beginning of the Early La Téne), which occupied Polish lands, one of the basic way of the environment exploitation it was gathering of various plants, small vertebrates and also molluscs. The article contain collected from the literature data of molluscs remains, which have been found at aforementioned culture sites. They were used to characterize shells aggregations and to make an attempt to determine their origin at archaeological sites. Furthermore usefulness of molluscs in reconstruction of the former environment and its changes, and also as a bio-informants of human activities have been shown. A documented diversity of shells deposits allowed the author to make several interpretations. There are reasonable grounds to conclude that some of aggregations have been caused by subsistence economic activities of communities of Lusatian culture (e.g. Kamionka Nadbużna, site 1). Molluscs could be eaten by human and animals. The shells were probably used as raw material for making utilitarian articles. They were presumably also used to make an amulets and talismans, both categories could be associated with certain beliefs and magical treatments. In this article have been shown that the natural aggregations of molluscs remains, not related to intentional human activity, together with the knowledge on biodiversity and the ecological requirements of individual representatives of the Mollusca type can be used in the interpretation of local environmental conditions in the past.
W niniejszym artykule zgromadzono, dostępne w literaturze przedmiotu, dane na temat depozytów ze szczątkami mięczaków, odkrytych na stanowiskach kultury łużyckiej z ziem polskich. Ich szczegółowa charakterystyka malakologiczna i kontekstowa (archeologiczna) stały się podstawą do próby określenia ich genezy na stanowiskach archeologicznych. W opracowaniu podkreślono rolę mięczaków, nie tylko w gospodarce i symbolice społeczności pradziejowych, ale również w analizach paleoklimatu i zmian zachodzących w środowisku.