
Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej / Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "Mathematical Physics"

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Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej / Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "Mathematical Physics"

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  • Sarbicki, Gniewomir; Chruściński, Dariusz (2012-11-05)
    Exposed positive maps in matrix algebras define a dense subset of extremal maps. We provide a class of indecomposable positive maps in the algebra of 2n x 2n complex matrices with n>1. It is shown that these maps are exposed ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2007-11-28)
    We construct a new class of positive indecomposable maps in the algebra of `d x d' complex matrices. These maps are characterized by the `weakest' positivity property and for this reason they are called atomic. This class ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Pytel, Justyna (2010-06-15)
    We provide a class of optimal nondecomposable entanglement witnesses for 4N x 4N composite quantum systems or, equivalently, a new construction of nondecomposable positive maps in the algebra of 4N x 4N complex matrices. ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Sarbicki, Gniewomir (2012-03-02)
    Exposed positive maps in matrix algebras define a dense subset of extremal maps. We provide a sufficient condition for a positive map to be exposed. This is an analog of a spanning property which guaranties that a positive ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2010-10-22)
    We provided a class of legitimate memory kernels leading to completely positive trace preserving dynamical maps. Our construction is based on a simple normalization procedure. Interestingly, when applied to the celebrated ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Wudarski, Filip A. (2011-05-24)
    We characterize a convex subset of entanglement witnesses for two qutrits. Equivalently, we provide a characterization of the set of positive maps in the matrix algebra of 3 x 3 complex matrices. It turns out that boundary ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2012-01-28)
    We characterize a class of Markovian dynamics using the concept of divisible dynamical map. Moreover we provide a family of criteria which can distinguish Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics. These Markovianity criteria ...
  • Accardi, L.; Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Matsuoka, Takashi; Ohya, Masanori (2011-02-01)
    We analyze the procedure of lifting in classical stochastic and quantum systems. It enables one to `lift' a state of a system into a state of `system+reservoir'. This procedure is important both in quantum information ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2011-08-10)
    It is well known that so called Breuer-Hall positive maps used in entanglement theory are optimal. We show that these maps possess much more subtle property --- they are exposed. As a byproduct it proves that a Robertson ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej; Rivas, Ángel (2011-03-24)
    We analyze two recently proposed measures of non-Markovianity: one based on the concept of divisibility of the dynamical map and the other one based on distinguishability of quantum states. We provide a toy model to show ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Kossakowski, Andrzej (2006-06-26)
    We construct a new class of positive indecomposable maps in the algebra of 'd x d' complex matrices. Each map is uniquely characterized by a cyclic bistochastic matrix. This class generalizes a Choi map for d=3. It provides ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Pytel, Justyna (2011-03-02)
    We provide a generalization of the reduction and Robertson positive maps in matrix algebras. They give rise to a new class of optimal entanglement witnesses. Their structural physical approximation is analyzed. As a byproduct ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2003-01-17)
    We show that the quantization of a simple damped system leads to a self-adjoint Hamiltonian with a family of complex generalized eigenvalues. It turns out that they correspond to the poles of energy eigenvectors when ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2003-07-23)
    We investigate the resonant states for the parabolic potential barrier known also as inverted or reversed oscillator. They correspond to the poles of meromorphic continuation of the resolvent operator to the complex energy ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Marmo, Giuseppe (2008-10-09)
    It is shown how to introduce a geometric description of the algebraic approach to the non-relativistic quantum mechanics. It turns out that the GNS representation provides not only symplectic but also Hermitian realization ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz; Facchi, Paolo; Marmo, Giuseppe; Pascazio, Saverio (2011-02-08)
    A time-dependent product is introduced between the observables of a dissipative quantum system, that accounts for the effects of dissipation on observables and commutators. In the $t \to \infty$ limit this yields a contracted ...
  • Chruściński, Dariusz (2002-09-04)
    Both classical and quantum damped systems give rise to complex spectra and corresponding resonant states. We investigate how resonant states, which do not belong to the Hilbert space, fit the phase space formulation of ...