
Browsing Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej / Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management by Author "Ashcroft, Linden"

Repository of Nicolaus Copernicus University

Browsing Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej / Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management by Author "Ashcroft, Linden"

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  • Slivinski, Laura; Compo, Gilbert; Whitaker, Jeffrey; Sardeshmukh, Prashant; Giese, Benjamin; McColl, Chesley; Allan, Rob; Yin, Xungang; Vose, Russell; Titchner, Holly; Kennedy, John; Spencer, Lawrence; Ashcroft, Linden; Brönnimann, Stefan; Brunet, Manola; Camuffo, Dario; Cornes, Richard; Cram, Thomas; Crouthamel, Richard; Domínguez-Castro, Fernando; Freeman, Eric; Gergis, Joëlle; Hawkins, Ed; Jones, Philip; Jourdain, Sylvie; Kaplan, Alexey; Kubota, Hisayuki; Le Blancq, Frank; Lee, Tsz-Cheung; Lorrey, Andrew; Luterbacher, Jürg; Maugeri, Maurizio; Mock, Cary; Moore, Kent; Przybylak, Rajmund; Pudmenzky, Christa; Reason, Chris; Slonosky, Victoria; Smith, Catherine; Tinz, Birger; Trewin, Blair; Valente, Maria Antónia; Wang, Xiaolan; Wilkinson, Clive; Wood, Kevin; Wyszyński, Przemysław (Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2019)
    Historical reanalyses that span more than a century are needed for a wide range of studies, from understanding large‐scale climate trends to diagnosing the impacts of individual historical extreme weather events. The ...
  • Brönnimann, Stefan; Allan, Rob; Ashcroft, Linden; Baer, Saba; Barriendos, Mariano; Brázdil, Rudolf; Brugnara, Yuri; Brunet, Manola; Brunetti, Michele; Chimani, Barbara; Cornes, Richard; Domínguez-Castro, Fernando; Filipiak, Janusz; Founda, Dimitra; García Herrera, Ricardo; Gergis, Joelle; Grab, Stefan; Hannak, Lisa; Huhtamaa, Heli; Jacobsen, Kim S.; Jones, Phil; Jourdain, Sylvie; Kiss, Andrea; Lin, Kuanhui Elaine; Lorrey, Andrew; Lundstad, Elin; Luterbacher, Jürg; Mauelshagen, Franz; Maugeri, Maurizio; Maughan, Nicolas; Moberg, Anders; Neukom, Raphael; Nicholson, Sharon; Noone, Simon; Nordli, Øyvind; Ólafsdóttir, Kristín Björg; Pearce, Petra R.; Pfister, Lucas; Pribyl, Kathleen; Przybylak, Rajmund; Pudmenzky, Christa; Rasol, Dubravka; Reichenbach, Delia; Řezníčková, Ladislava; Rodrigo, Fernando S.; Rohr, Christian; Skrynyk, Oleg; Slonosky, Victoria; Thorne, Peter; Valente, Maria Antónia; Vaquero, José M.; Westcottt, Nancy E.; Williamson, Fiona; Wyszyński, Przemysław (American Meteorological Society, 2019-12)
    Instrumental meteorological measurements from periods prior to the start of national weather services are designated “early instrumental data.” They have played an important role in climate research as they allow daily to ...

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