The Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary, the parish church of the Main Town of Gdansk, is one of the most magnificent monuments of brick architecture of the Baltic coast. It is a building both important and ...
As a painter and graphic artist Lewicki worked in Cracow and Lviv in two extremely different cultural and political conditions, two different ages, separated the chasm of the Second World War. Lewicki’s social involvement ...
The article refers to the phenomenon unique for Polish art of the interwar period, namely graphic art performed in the 1930s by the artists from Krakow (Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Leopold Lewicki, Stanisław Osostowicz, Eugeniusz ...
he aim of this paper is to present a structural history of the late Romanesque church in Tulce (district Poznan). Noninvasive architectural research of the building was conducted in 2014. Its results were then confronted ...
The article is dedicated to the history of baroque interior design in Holly Trinity Perish Church in Dzierzgoń. It directs attention towards works of the hitherto unknown workshop of Georg Ebert from Orneta. By establishing ...
Historically used consolidants for strengthening impregnation treatment of damaged, polychrome, antique wood – preliminary survey. Part I: Materials based on natural constituents This paper deals with the number of materials, ...
Wystawa „Inspiracje” prezentująca prace z zakresu introligatorstwa studentów Zakładu Konserwacji Papieru i Skóry UMK w Toruniu i Katedry Konserwacji i Restauracji Starych Druków i Grafiki ASP w Warszawiepo raz pierwszyzostała ...
Kazimierz Pospieszny, Domus Malbork. Zamek krzyżacki w typie regularnym [Domus Malbork. Castle of the Teutonic Order of a regular type] (Monografie Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu ...
The theme of that study is a monumental mural painting on the north wall of the chancel of the former parish church of the Old Town in Toruń. In an unique way around the motif of Crucifixion concentrated are here numerous ...
The article presents negative aspects of application of toluene, solvent commonly used for strengthening impregnation treatment, on polychrome wood. The reader is introduced with matter of impregnation and solvents applied ...
Signatures of oil paintings from all stylistic periods of Pankiewicz has been analysed. The artist put his signatures both in left and right corners and sometimes in other different positions in the painting. The lettering ...
Katalog towarzyszy wystawie indywidualnej rzeźby pt. "Kolekcja" Alicji Majewskiej. zaprezentowanej w Galerii "Wieży Ciśnień" w Koninie w 2017 r.. Artystka przedstawiła wybór prac z ostatnich 10 lat . Ten wycinek ...