
Książki, rozdziały (WNoZiGP) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "food tourism"

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Książki, rozdziały (WNoZiGP) Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "food tourism"

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  • Charzyński, Przemysław; Łyszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Musiał, Monika; Podgórski, Zbigniew (2015-07-13)
    Poland, as one of the European Union country, saves and promotes regional goods of high quality. One of the basic way of quality policy realization is giving a high quality sign to regional farm and food products which ...
  • Burneika, Donatas; Skorupskas, Ricardas; Charzyński, Przemysław; Świtoniak, Marcin (2015-07-10)
    Tourism becomes more and more important economic activity in many countries and Lithuania is not an exception. The growth of foreign tourism here was one the fastest in Europe during last few years. Incomes, generated ...
  • Charzyński, Przemysław; Świtoniak, Marcin; Burneika, Donatas; Skorupskas, Ricardas (2015-07-13)
    Culinary tourism is the subset of Cultural tourism. Culinary tourism (food tourism) is experiencing the food of the country, region or area, and is now considered a vital component of the tourism experience. Dining out ...