
Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "space"

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Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "space"

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  • Wołk, Marcin (2017-06-09)
    ARTUR SANDAUER’S TOPOGRAPHY OF IDENTITY The article discusses the role of spatial elements in constructing identity in autobiographic texts of the Polish critic and writer Artur Sandauer (1913–1989). Sandauer appears as a ...
  • Wołk, Marcin (U, 2014)
    The article discusses the role of spatial elements in constructing identity in autobiographic texts of the Polish critic and writer Artur Sandauer (1913–1989). Sandauer appears as a writer of space par excellence. It is ...
  • Karwasz, Grzegorz (2016-07-07)
    On constant movement of frontiers between Science and Theology. Part 2: Metaphysics In the first part (Karwasz, Scientia et Fides, 3(1) 2015) entitled “Physics” we showed how discoveries of modern sciences do not contradict ...
  • Brzykcy, Jolanta (2012)
    This article is an attempt to compare categories of space and place in the poetry of Ivan Bunin and Vladislav Khodasevich. In each of the developers has gained a different inter-pretation. Bunin idealizes homelessness, ...
  • Matysiak, Paulina (Wydawnictwo Piktor, 2009)
    Twórczością Stefana Themersona, polskiego artysty tworzącego poza granicami kraju, przesyconą wątkami filozoficznymi, głównie etycznymi i epistemologicznymi, warto się zająć. W artykule, wychodząc od kategorii przestrzeni, ...
  • Gruszczyński, Rafał; Pietruszczak, Andrzej (2009-11-30)
    This article is devoted to the problem of ontological foundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry. Starting from Bertrand Russell’s intuitions concerning the sensual world we try to show that it is possible to build ...