
Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "aging"

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Przeglądanie wg słów kluczowych "aging"

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  • Feit, Julia; Gorzelańczyk, Edward Jacek (2013-12-09)
    A key element in the life of cells in culture is the number of cell divisions, not their life time in culture. Serially in vivo transplanted cells also exhibit a finite lifetime, which means that the cell aging is not ...
  • Dmitruk, Katarzyna; Gałązka, Małgorzata; Soszyński, Dariusz (2015-01-22)
    B a c k g r o u n d. Postural stability is widely recognized as one of the main determinants of the functional efficiency of a person’s capability. It changes during ontogenesis and undergoes deterioration with age. ...
  • McFarlane, Oliwia; Kędziora-Kornatowska, Kornelia (2018-04-23)
    Worldwide tendency of a rising life expectancy among populations, resulting in an increase of the retired in the demographic structure, makes the senior health education an extremely important issue. Insufficient preparation ...