
Przeglądanie wg autora "Wacewicz, Sławomir"

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Przeglądanie wg autora "Wacewicz, Sławomir"

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  • Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Orzechowski, Sylwester; Wacewicz, Sławomir (John Bejnamins, 2017-09)
    Turn-taking – the coordinated and efficient transition between the roles of sender and receiver in communication – is a fundamental property of conversational interaction. The turn-taking mechanism depends on a variety ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Chiera, Alessandra (2017)
    The cooperative character of language is an empirical fact and one of the key tenets in linguistics. However, this cooperative character is what makes it evolutionarily suspect: under normal circumstances sharing honest ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław (2014-04-30)
    The emergence of the uniquely human ability to acquire and use language has invariably been perceived as a problem that is both exceptionally difficult and intriguing. Conjectures regarding the sources of language have ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław (World Scientific, 2008)
    In current literature, a number of standard lines of evidence reemerge in support of the hypothesis that the initial, “bootstrapping” stage of the evolution of language was gestural. However, one specific feature of gestural ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir (Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2011)
    The content of this article amounts to a somewhat controversial terminological proposal: the term ‘concept’ is most fruitfully construed as ‘a mental representations having a lexical correlate’. Such a definition makes it ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir (Peter Lang Publishing, 2015)
    The study of language becomes particularly attractive when it is not practised as an isolated descriptive enterprise, but when it has wide-ranging implications for the study of the human mind. Such is the spirit of this ...
  • Placiński, Marek; Matzinger, Theresa; Baumann, Andreas; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Hartmann, Stefan; Boehm, Irene; Pleyer, Michael; Wacewicz, Sławomir (The Evolution of Language Conferences, 2024)
    The cooperative nature of human communication is widely accepted as a fact at least since Grice. In this study, we investigate whether a form of linguistic cooperation – structural alignment – correlates with cooperative ...
  • Adornetti, Ines; Ferretti, Francesco; Chiera, Alessandra; Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Deriu, Valentina; Marini, Andrea; Magni, Rita; Casula, Laura; Vicari, Stefano; Valeri, Giovanni (Frontiers, 2019-06-18)
    Impairments of motor representation of actions have been reported as a core component of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Individuals with ASD have difficulties in a number of functions such as assuming anticipatory postures, ...
  • Muehlenbernd, Roland; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Wacewicz, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2018)
    Unlike many facets of language – phonology, syntax, semantics or even prag- matics – linguistic politeness (LP) has attracted little attention of evolutionarily minded researchers. We think that this lack of ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo LEXIS, Kraków, 2008)
    Ewolucja języka jest polem badawczym przeżywającym w ostatnich latach niezwykle dynamiczny rozwój. Stan ów jest efektem działania dwóch głównych przyczyn. Z jednej strony jest to pewne ogólne zwiększenie zainteresowania ...
  • Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Wacewicz, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2015)
    Charles Darwin widział w nim największy, obok ognia, wynalazek ludzkości. John Maynard Smith i Eörs Szathmáry uznają jego pojawienie się za ostatni z wielkich ewolucyjnych przełomów, którego wyjaśnienie Morten H. ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir (2014-01-30)
  • Delliponti, Angelo; Raia, Renato; Sanguedolce, Giulia; Gutowski, Adam; Pleyer, Michael; Sibierska, Marta; Placiński, Marek;  Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Wacewicz, Sławomir (Springer, 2023-05-15)
    Experimental Semiotics (ES) is the study of novel forms of communication that communicators develop in laboratory tasks whose designs prevent them from using language. Thus, ES relates to pragmatics in a “pure,” ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław (2015-01-31)
    Although many of the recent controversies in the field of language evolution research are empirical, the deepest divides seem to remain theoretical in nature. Specifically, defining language in incompatible ways has led ...
  • Danel, Dariusz; Wacewicz, Sławomir; Lewandowski, Zdzisław; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Perea-Garcia, Juan Olvido (Springer, 2018-10)
    Understanding the adaptive function of the unique morphology of the human eye, in particular its overexposed white sclera, may have profound implications for the fields of evolutionary behavioural science, and specifically ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2008)
    In The Language Instinct (1995 [1994], henceforth: TLI), a book that despite its popular character has become virtually a classic in discussions concerning the innateness of language, Steven Pinker attacks the broadly ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław (2018-04-26)
    In this paper, we complement proximate or ‘how’ explanations for the origins of language, broadening our perspective to include fitness-consequences explanations, i.e. ultimate, or ‘why’ explanations. We identify the ...
  • Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; McCrohon, Luke (2015-01-31)
    Linguistic politeness (LP) refers to the set of “linguistic features mediating norms of social behaviour, in relation to such notions as courtesy, rapport, deference and distance” (Crystal 2008). Although researchers (e.g. ...
  • Zlatev, Jordan; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; van de Weijer, Joost; Wacewicz, Sławomir (John Bejnamins, 2017-11)
    A persistent controversy in language evolution research has been whether language emerged in the gestural-visual or in the vocal-auditory modality. A “dialectic” solution to this age-old debate has now been gaining ground: ...
  • Zlatev, Jordan; Devylder, Simon; Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław; Ferretti, Francesco; Adornetti, Ines; Chiera, Alessandra (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2018)
    We present an ongoing international project, From Pantomime to Language (PANTOLANG), aiming to develop a comprehensive, empirically grounded theory of the evolution of human language and the human mind, relying on the new ...