
Przeglądanie wg autora "Olech, Mateusz"

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Przeglądanie wg autora "Olech, Mateusz"

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  • Olech, Mateusz; Szymczak, Marian; Wolak, Paweł; Sarniak, Rafał; Bartkiewicz, Anna (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-04-01)
    Discovery of periodic maser emission was an unexpected result from monitoring observations of methanol transitions in high-mass young stellar objects. We report on the detection of five new periodic sources from a monitoring ...
  • Volvach, L. N.; Volvach, A. E.; Larinov, M. G.; MacLeod, G. C.; van den Heever, S. P.; Wolak, P; Olech, Mateusz; Ipanov, A. V.; Ivanov, D. V.; Mikhailov, A.G.; Melnikov, A.E.; Menten, K.; Belloche, A.; Weiss, A.; Mazumdar, P.; Schuller, F. (Astronomy Reports, 2019-01-01)
    The results of long-term monitoring of the Galactic maser source IRAS 18316-0602 (G25.65+1.05) in the water-vapor line at frequency f = 22.235 GHz (6_16-5_23 transitioin) carried out on the 22-m Simeiz, 26-m HartRAO, and ...
  • Durjasz, Michał Tomasz; Szymczak, Marian; Olech, Mateusz (Royal Astronomical Society, 2019)
    G111.256-0.770 is a high-mass young stellar object associated with a weak 6.7 GHz methanol maser showing strong variability. We present results of a multi-epoch monitoring program of the target, conducted with the Torun ...
  • Bartkiewicz, Anna; Burns, Ross; Olech, Mateusz; Durjasz, Michał; Uno, Yuri; Sakai, Nobuyuki; [i in.] (2023)
    High-mass protostars (M⋆ > 8M⊙) are thought to gain the majority of their mass via short, intense bursts of growth. This episodic accretion is thought to be facilitated by gravitationally unstable and subsequently inhomogeneous ...
  • Volvach, L. N.; Volvach, A. E.; Larinov, M. G.; MacLeod, G. C.; Wolak, Paweł; Olech, Mateusz; Kramer, B.; Menten, K.; Kraus, A.; Brand, J.; Zanicelli, A.; Poppi, S.; Rigini, S. (Astronomy Letters, 2019-06-25)
    —Powerful flares in Galactic kilomasers are closely associated with regions of intense star formation. They contribute to the elucidation of physical processes occurring in these structures. We have recorded a superpowerful ...
  • Szymczak, Marian; Olech, Mateusz; Wolak, Paweł; Gerard, Eric; Bartkiewicz, Anna (EDP Sciences, 2018)
    Context.High-mass young stellar objects (HMYSOs) can undergo accretion episodes that strongly affect the star evolution, the dynamics of the disk, and its chemical evolution. Recently reported ...
  • Olech, Mateusz; Szymczak, Marian; Wolak, Paweł; Gérard, Eric; Bartkiewicz, Anna (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020-02-01)
    Context: Periodic flares of maser emission are thought to be induced either by variations of the seed photon flux in young binary systems or the pump rate regulated by stellar and accretion luminosities. Aims: We seek to ...
  • Szymczak, Marian; Olech, Mateusz; Sarniak, Rafał; Wolak, Paweł; Bartkiewicz, Anna (Oxford University Press, 2018-02)
    We report results of 6.7 GHz methanol maser monitoring of 139 star-forming sites with theTorun 32 m radio telescope from June 2009 to February 2013. The targets were observedat least once a month, with higher ...
  • Rajabi, F.; Houde, M.; Bartkiewicz, Anna; Olech, Mateusz; Szymczak, Marian; Wolak, Paweł (Royal Astronomical Society, 2019-01)
    We present new evidence for superradiance (SR) in the methanol 6.7 GHz spectral line for three different star-forming regions: S255IR-NIRS3, G24.329+0.144, and Cepheus A. Our analysis shows that some of the flux–density ...