
Przeglądanie wg tytułu

Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Przeglądanie wg tytułu

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  • Środa-Murawska, Stefania (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2003)
    For almost 50 years Berlin was divided into two parts: eastern and western. The first of them was in the zone under the influence of the former Soviet Union, and so socialist economy. The other (western) part was under the ...
  • Burdziej, Stanisław (2018-11-15)
    In Comte’s vision, humanity progressed from a theological to a metaphysical to a positive phase. This transition was to be mirrored by the replacement of theology and metaphysics by a new science of society—sociology. ...
  • Głuszkowski, Michał; Grupa, Magdalena (Księgarnia Akademicka, 2016-12)
    The Old Believers are those followers of the Russian Orthodox Church, who did not accept Patriarch Nikon’s reforms in 17th century, and because of that were persecuted and often forced to emigrate. Nowadays in Poland they ...
  • Abriszewski, Krzysztof (1998)
    Sociology of knowledge does not enjoy, as a matter of fact, any good opinion. Sociologists are discouraged and annoyed by its associations with philosophy, whereas philosophers blame it for "empiricism" and "discarding" ...
  • Wasielewski, Krzysztof; Leszniewski, Tomasz (2013)
    Tekst jest próbą analizy kondycji polskiej socjologii wychowania przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Prezentuje zmiany dokonujące się na płaszczyźnie tożsamościowej subdyscypliny z uwzględnieniem ich konsekwencji. Sygnalizuje problem ...
  • Głuszkowski, Michał (Oficyna Wydawnicza Epigram, 2011)
    Praca U. Weinreicha Languages in contact była przełomowa w historii badań dwujęzyczności i do dzisiaj wciąż stanowi źródło odwołań dla wielu autorów. Stworzoną przez niego teorię należałoby określić jako socjologiczną, nie ...
  • Grotek, Edyta (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2010)
    Artykuł analizuje znaczenie jako konstrukt społeczno-historyczny, zajmuje się wpływem czynników pozajęzykowych na znaczenie leksemów.
  • Mikulski, Krzysztof (2016-10-19)
    Zarys treści. Jednym z najbardziej regularnie, gęsto zabudowanym i zasiedlonym obszarem na przedmieściu Torunia od średniowiecza do końca XVIII wieku był Żabieniec – część Rybaków. W średniowieczu obejmował on 22 parcele, ...
  • Sataieva, Tatiana; Zadnipryany, Igor; Żukow, Walery (2018-08-01)
    The problem of pollution with nitrates and nitrites of the natural environment is very relevant nowadays. The purpose of this research was to study the morphological features of the myocardium in pregnant rats and their ...
  • Nerczuk, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2005)
  • Charzyński, Przemysław; Hulisz, Piotr (Polish Society of Soil Science, 2013)
  • Tsarybka, Viktar; Ustinava, Hanna; Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (Machina Druku, 2018)
    Paper presents changes in soil cover of Horatska Plain caused by agriculture.
  • Charzyński, Przemysław; Bednarek, Renata; Hulisz, Piotr; Zawadzka, Anna (2013-12-04)
  • Ulrich, Werner; Piwczyński, Marcin; Zaplata, Markus A.; Winter, Suzanne; Schaaf, Wolfgang; Anton, Fischer (Elsevier, 2014-08)
    Aims The total space of traits covered by the members of plant com- munities is an important parameter of ecosystem functioning and complexity. We trace the variability of trait space during early ...
  • Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (2018-11-27)
    To understand the soil-landscape relation it is necessary to study the spatial diversity of soil cover. This variability is partly predictable due to the substantial repeatability of soil units. Depending on dominant ...
  • Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (Machina Druku, 2018)
    Soil Sequences Atlas III is a continuation of two earlier volumes published in 2014 and 2018. As in the previous studies, the variability of soil cover is presented in the form of soil sequences characteristic of particular ...
  • Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (2018)
    This is the second book in the series of Soil Sequence Atlases. The first volume was published in 2014. Main pedogeographic features are presented in the form of sequences to give a comprehensive picture of soils – their ...
  • Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (Machina Druku, 2018)
    The significant spatial variability of the soil cover results from the differentaial impact of individual soil-forming factors. In this book the pedo-variability is presented in form of soil sequences which are characteristic ...
  • Świtoniak, Marcin; Charzyński, Przemysław (2023-02-24)
    The significant spatial variability of soil cover results from the diverse impacts of different soil-forming factors. This book presents pedovariability in the form of a collection of soil sequences typical of particular ...
  • Gonet, Sławomir; Markiewicz, Maciej; Marszelewski, Włodzimierz; Dziamski, Andrzej (2012-12-19)
    Lake disappearing is a natural process which contemporarily escalates in consequence of human activity. It is estimated that within the area of Northern Poland from the last glaciation period (ca. 17 000 years ago) a half ...